You can watch the teaser featuring an epic kamehameha below. The movie will screen in select theatres on August 5th, 6th, 7th and 9th. So far it seems only North America will be recieving this limited release but we are hopeful it will start making its way to other countries. Only Goku, humanity’s greatest hero, can ascend to the level of a Super Saiyan God and stop Beerus’s rampage! Stunning animation and epic new villains highlight the first new Dragon Ball Z feature film in seventeen years! Beerus, the God of Destruction, travels to Earth in search of a good fight. Battle of the Dragon Gods Ball z English file: Download the Battle of the Dragon Gods ball z englishDragon. It is likely the voice actors from the Kai series will be reprising their roles as opposed to the original Z dub cast. Instantly share the code, notes, and snippets. Well Funimation has cast all doubts aside and have confirmed the movie will receive a limited theatrical release featuring the all star cast of Sean Schemmel as Goku, Chris Sabat as Vegeta and Piccolo and all the other regular cast members.

By now it is a good chance if you are a Dragon Ball fan you have seen Dragon Ball Z: Batle of Gods with the original Japanese audio but fans who prefer their anime dubbed were left with only vague allusions and uncertain answers as to whether they would ever receive an English version.