Star wars terror trooper
Star wars terror trooper

And in the third episode Aree has to learn how to wrangle some rowdy Blurrgs back into their pen before the local Ewoks find out! BLURRG From the humble Blurrg to the fearsome Wampa, every creature is being explored in a fun new way. The great team over at Star Wars Kids has kicked off a fun new series exploring the creatures of the galaxy far, far away.

star wars terror trooper

Star Wars: Galaxy Of Creaturesis here to add some fun to our creature features. Terror Troopers use of the Shadow cloaking device coupled with their extreme agility make them seem to either flash step or teleport.In this episode of Star Wars: Galaxy Of Creatures, Aree has to learn how to wrangle some rowdy Blurrgs back into their pen! The clawed hands are similar to Starkiller's vision of his darkside future self the Sith Stalker. atleast the majority of these groups were wiped out during the battle in particularly by Rahm Kota and the cloned Secret Apprentice.Įquipment: Terror Trooper armor was reminisisant of Phase II Clone trooper armor and General Grievous' own armor. The troopers perfomred well though were eventually wiped out by the cloned jedi. Terror Troopers were next sighted during the battle for Kamino where they partnered with the Saber Guards and Sith Acolytes to reple the Rebel attack. The Terror Troopers were used by Boba Fett to cover his extraction. The msiion was to capture Juno Elcipse to use as bait for the clone of the Secret Apprentice.

star wars terror trooper

Commanded by Boba Fett the Terror Troopers raided and kill the entire bridge crew along with a good portion of the patients and other crew members. Major Actvities: The first reported usage of the Terror Troopes was during the raid of the Rebel Alliance medical ship Salvation.

star wars terror trooper

Terror Troopers appear to teleport when infact they are very agile and equipped with the Shadow Stormtrooper cloaking device. Terror Troopers seemed to be stored on Kmaino when not in use alluding to them being cloned from a single source unlike generic Stormtroopers who by this point where cloned from a myriad of sources or were enlisted from birth born recruits. Terror Troopers seemed to move and dodge in the same manner so it is probable they were taught Teräs Käsi, a martial art meant to combat jedi. The Imperial Terror Trooper program was a possible sucessor to the Clone Assassin from the Clone Wars era.

Star wars terror trooper