Access Violation at address - Fruity Granulizer.dll.Some of the most common Fruity Granulizer.dll errors include: Runtime is pretty self-explanatory it means that these errors are triggered when Fruity Granulizer.dll is attempted to be loaded either when FL Studio is starting up, or in some cases already running.

If something happens to a shared DLL file, either it goes missing or gets corrupted in some way, it can generate a "runtime" error message. Unfortunately, what makes DLL files so convenient and efficient, also makes them extremely vulnerable to problems. FL Studio) could share the same Fruity Granulizer.dll file, saving valuable memory allocation, therefore making your computer run more efficiently. These files were created so that multiple programs (eg. Dynamic Link Library files, like Fruity Granulizer.dll, are essentially a "guide book" that stores information and instructions for executable (EXE) files - like mrt.exe - to follow.

Fruity Granulizer.dll is considered a type of Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file.